BS058 Athome Project: A Feeling Of Care (tre nøtter til röyksopp)

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Design/artwork by Bernt Ottem

Athome Project:
A Feeling Of Care (tre nøtter til röyksopp)

Format: 12"
Label: Beatservice Records
Catalogue number: BS058
Release date: 10. mar 2003
Export date: 5. apr 2003

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three-part 17 minute Röyksopp remix!!


A Feeling Of Care (første nøtt til röyksopp: mer (100 km/t))


A Feeling Of Care (andre nøtt til röyksopp: salt (ms-20))


A Feeling Of Care (tredje nøtt til röyksopp: hav (rus))


A Feeling Of Care (original)


The Spy (universal funk's afro lounge remix)

Press info

BS058 Athome Project: A Feeling Of Care
Stian Jacobsen er mest kjent som hovedmannen i Athome Project. Men han har ogs� en litt mindre kjent oppgave: n�r hans gode venner Svein og Torbj�rn aka R�yksopp har tr�bbel med datamaskinene sine, s� er det Stian de ringer. For � gjengjelde utallige hardware og software tr�bbel-fiksing, har R�yksopp levert en remix av en av de mest fremtredende l�tene p� Athome Project sitt selv-titulerte album; A Feeling Of Care.

Det tok nesten et halvt �r i R�yksopp sitt pressede program � f� den ferdig, men den var vel verdt � vente p�! Resultatet er nemlig en nesten 17 minutter tredelt konseptuell sak med tittel "tre n�tter til r�yksopp", inspirert av den Tsjekkiske julefilmen "Tre n�tter til Askepott" (siden remixen ble levert i jula).

Originalversjonen av A Feeling Of Care er en soulfull og funky sak med Caitlin Simpson's framtredende vokal. Men tradisjonen tro har R�yksopp plukket l�ten fullstendig fra hverandre og bygd opp en helt ny l�t. Eller rettere sagt tre nye l�ter. F�rste n�tt (mer (100 km/t) er en fengende electro-funk-l�t, andre n�tt (salt (MS-20)) er en hypnotisk og hard progressiv house-l�t, mens tredje og siste n�tt (hav (rus)) er en litt mere ned-dempet, men fortsatt ganske funky electronica sak. Tre n�tter for enhver smak med andre ord!

P� b-sida f�r vi originalversjonen fra albumet, samt nok en vennetjeneste, Athome Project remixet i fjor sommer en l�t fra danske Universal Funk, og i retur har han f�tt en "afro lounge" remix av The Spy, en fin og jazza bossa-miks.

Stian Jacobsen is the man behind Athome Project. But he also has a lesser known mission: when his good friends Svein and Torbj�rn aka R�yksopp have trouble with their computers, Stian is their man. To return numerous favours of hardware and software troublefixing, R�yksopp have delivered a remix of one of the key tracks from Athome Project's self titled debut album; A Feeling Of Care.

It took almost half a year in the rather packed schedule for R�yksopp to finish the remix, but it was well worth the wait! The result is no less than an almost 17 minutes three-part conceptual thing with the title "tre n�tter til r�yksopp", inspired by the Czech Christmas movie from the 70's "Three nuts for Cinderella", a movie that is shown every Christmas on Norwegian television - and the remix was finished and delivered in the Christmas.

The original version of A Feeling Of Care is a soulful and funky track with Caitlin Simpson's distinct vocal works. But true to their tradition of remixing, R�yksopp have picked the track into pieces, and built a complete new track. Or rather, three new tracks. The first nut (mer (100 km/t) is a irresistible electrofunk track, the second nut (salt (MS-20)) is a hypnotic and hard progressive house track, while the third and final nut (hav (rus)) is a bit more gentle, but still rather funky electronica track. Three nuts for every taste, in other words!

On the b-side we get the original album version, plus another friendly favour. Athome Project remixed a track from the Danish Universal Funk last summer, and in return, he got their "afro lounge" remix of The Spy, cool and jazzy bossa-mix.

Anmeldelser [reviews in english other languages]


Keep On (UK), Interloop (USA)
Media darlings and Norwegian masters of a variety of soundscapes, R�yksopp,turn in a mind-bending epic 3-part reinterpretation of "A Feeling OfCare", while Universal Funk reworks "The Spy" with stunningresults. The 1st part of R�yksopp's mix "Mer (100 km/t)" keeps thebreakbeat infected vibe of the original, as emphatic straight lacedpercussion, a bug eyed analogue heavy bass, and perfected bliss stings combine.Part 2 "Salt (MS20)" is an anxious parnaoia gripped technified key ledcut, with a pummeling bass backing. While "Hav (Rus)", the third partis an atmospheric drenced compassionate string led piece with stoned beats,dreamed exploratory keys and a crawling bass. Universal Funk's "Afro LoungeMix"of "The Spy" is an assured jazzed beauty where gorge lavishkeys, utopian vocals and tingling strings combine wonderfully.

Excerpts from promotion feedback:

IDJ MAGAZINE � FULL REVIEW �17 minute epic� 3/5 review
FACT MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �indulgent twaddle ?Nay ! Genuis !�
MIXMAG MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �Hav is a beautiful affair and sounds like Jean Michel Jarre on MDMA�
STRAIGHT NO CHASER MAGAZINE-FULL REVIEW � the third part sounds like classic Orb with stylehouse,not house beats�
PLATFORM -FULL REVIEW �a deep bassline and penetrative chords dice up a classy vocal, complemented further by well programmed percussion�
DISCOID MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �a massive 17 minutes of future thinking music�
BLAH BLAH MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW -�as good as it gets�
DISCOID MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW GUEST REVIEWS ��trippy electronica of the last 
part and theres also a decent Universal Funk jazz bossa version of the spy�.
DJ MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �it was worth the wait !� 3.5/5 review
DJ MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �broken beats instrumental awash with atmospheric strings�
DJ MAGAZINE (3RD REVIEW IN DIFFERENT ISSUE)-FULL REVIEW glimmers and shimmers like a trip to the stars in a diamond spaceship!�
BLUES & SOUL MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW -�sumptuous keys which are very body & soul�4/5.
LOGO MAGAZINE �FULL REVIEW �play it to death�
BREAKIN POINT MAGAZINE �trippy broken beat with lush atmosherics�
KEEP ON MAGAZINE ��part 3 is atmospheric drenched compassionate string piece�

PLASTIKS MAGAZINE � �building on a synth bass but with more feeling'
XLR8R MAGAZINE �review submitted for issue 68.

DISCOID �as above
LITTLEPLANET.NET-�compassionate string led piece�
DEEPHOUSENETWORK �stunning results..
SKANSEN ��assured jazz beauty�

PATRICK FORGE-KISS FM �parts 1 & 3 are okay of royksopp mix as is the mix of the spy.
GILLES PETERSON �RADIO 1-the original mix sounds a little dated�.im playing other royksopp stuff but this mix may have been better as separate tracks. Hav is ok.
JURGEN JAZZANOVA �played hav on the radio show. like the beats on a3.
ONLY CHILD-not comfortable with athome project original or royksopp playing the universal funk mix.
CIAN � NATIONAL RADIO �IRELAND �played parts of royksopp mix
ALICK SETHI � NATIONAL STUDENT RADIO NETWORK �playing both b1 & b2 on the show.
NICK LUSCOMBE �xfm -playing parts 1 & 3 of the royksopp mix.
DJ MORPHEUS �RADIO CAMPUS/RADIO FM 4/RADIO GRENOUILLE ��im playing last and 1st part of royksopp mix
LUBI �STRAIGHT NO CHASER-love the spy track.9/10
PETE HERBERT � CUICA-playing parts 1 & 3 of royksopp mix. 8/10
ALEX ATTIAS �playing the universal funk remix�.
ALI JENGAHEADS �BEAT 106 played the �felling of care track and gave the album a big mention
SIMONE SERRITELLA �CUICA/BIG BANG-part 1 & the spy im playing�.6/10
AFRONAUGHT �BUGZ IN THE ATTIC-the spy is ok�.a side not for me..
ZERO DB �FLUID OUNCE �im just playing 3.hav which is great for chilling. Rest I can leave�.
AT JAZZ �thought the beats were a little flat for me on b side but I like a1 (mer) very playable and nicely produced.
MIKE CHADWICK � JAZZ FM �like the first part of royksopp mix but ends up down a suicidal cul de sac after that.
MATTHEW K �radio magnetic �like mer but for the floor�.universal funk mix.8/10
PAUL GAMBLIN � RTRFM �Austria prefer the b side.this is what im playing on the show�.
DANNY BUKEM � GOOD LOOKING �parts 1 & 3 are interesting on the royksopp mix but part 2 ??wassat ?!
DAN JORDAN �FUEGO � HARMLESS �a1/a3 & the universal funk remix of the spy get my vote.
MAD MATS CARLSON � RAW FUSION �im only playing hav..but this is extremely nice.
MARK ROBERTSON �SPIRITUAL SOUTH �playing a1.future boogie twisted biznizz.
JON KENNEDY �GRAND CENTRAL RECORDINGS �LIKE B1 most of all but a3 is spacey & lush.6/10.
SIMON HARRISON � DANCETRAX FM ��like parts 1 & 3 of royksopp mix�.whats going on in part 2 tho ?!!
ANDREW JERVIS �KUSF �USA ��played hav on the show 4.04.2003
SNORRE SEIM � BUTTI 49-part 1 & 3 of royksopp are good.fat production.8/10
DOMU �RIMA-theres good grooves in parts 1& 3 but they would have been better on their own.
WAI WAN �playing a3 & b2-interesting electronic textures�playing a3 the most.
NIGEL PRANKSTER �FORWARDSBACKWARDS RADIO/3 hedz �playing hav but I actually think original mix is great�.
TOMAS � XLR8R-played parts of royksopp mix on the show
RUSS DEWBURY � JAZZ ROOMS/TOTALLY RADIO.COM �like the spy remix most of all but a more dance floor mix would have been better for the clubs�
ROB LUIS � TRU THOUGHTS-played a3 on the radio show.
QUANTIC �the royksopp mix is a bit mad�.like certain parts of it �certainly not as a whole.


Reviewsin other languages
Bergen nov�m Bristolom?

Nie je to tak d�vno, čo sa bristolsk� sc�na stala povinnou v�bavou vari ka�d�ho milovn�ka modernej pop-music. Spočiatku pritom i�lo určite viac o music ne� pop, a kto bol od počiatku pri tom, smelo sa dnes m�e pova�ovať za jasnozriv�ho a odv�neho. Sign�ly z n�rskeho Bergenu vyvol�vaj� pocit d�ja vu. Navy�e spriaznenosť jednotliv�ch akt�rov je v nordickom pr�pade podmienen� nielen spoločn�m �ivotn�m priestorom, ale aj dlhoročn�m priateľstvom. Bud� R�yksopp, Ralph Myerz, Bjorn Torske alebo Athome Project nov�mi Massive Attack, Portishead či Reprazent? 
Zo zemepisn�ho hľadiska maj� N�ri predsa len ist� handicap. Angličanom sa v muzike viac ver�, anglick� posluch�či, d�kladne mas�rovan� komerčn�mi aj alternat�vnymi m�diami, m�ňaj� na hudbu zo v�etk�ch n�rodov najviac, čo je v konečnom d�sledku blahod�rne pre lok�lnu sc�nu. Severania si �krtn� a� vtedy, keď ich pre svet objav� niekto z Angličanov. Novin�r, DJ alebo rovno muzikant. �no, mo�no to znie neuveriteľne, ale s� popov� muzikanti, ktor� � nech u� z ak�chkoľvek pohn�tok � fandia undergroundu a propaguj� nov� men� aj s rizikom, �e posluch�č jedn�ho dňa ocen� viac nezn�meho nov�čika ako svoj star� idol.
Athome Project je kapelou jedn�ho mu�a, 27-ročn�ho multiin�trumentalistu Stiana Jacobsena. �ije na Sforde, malom ostrove neďaleko Bergenu, Na konte m� 5 maxisinglov a kamar�ti sa s R�yksopp. T�m je povedan� mnoh� � aj on ľ�bi a produkuje melodick� elektronick� tracky, presahuj�ce hranice ��nru smerom k funku a jazzu. Jednoducho povedan�: ak �liape slu�n� groove, koho by zauj�mali tak� podru�nosti ako �katuľky? Eponymick� albumov� debut tvoria spolovice in�trument�lne a spolovice vok�lne nahr�vky. Medzi najvydarenej�ie in�trument�lky patr� Analogue Acoustics. Ako u� n�zov trochu napoved�, ide o čosi ako drum and jazz, či�e v podstate jungle s kontrabasom a saxof�nom. Čosi podobn� nie je cudzie ani Reprazent alebo Benovi Humanovi. Athome nar�ba �ikovne s atmosf�rick�mi kl�vesmi, rozličn�mi pazvukmi a tekut�mi harm�niami, obvykle nad sol�dnym dubov�m z�kladom. Everything Changes je dobr�m pr�kladom toho, ako by čisto teoreticky mohol znieť Jarr�, nebyť diagn�z typu g�č a megalom�nia. 
Spev patr� Kanaďanke Cailtin Simpson a v�raznej�ie nevybočuje zo �tandardn�ho soul-jazzov�ho prejavu. Je zdravo dramatick� a� temn� a ťa���m k�skom dod�va ist� popov� flair. Do hitpar�d sa v�ak za ka�d� cenu netisne, čo potvrdzuje skoro samovra�edn� 17-min�tov� (!) trojdielny remix singla The Spy od inak čoraz popul�rnej��ch R�yksopp. Čisto teoreticky je v�ak mo�n�, �e pr�ve ten sa na na�ich a česk�ch diskot�kach ujme. R�yksopp toti� uv�dzaj�, �e sa pri remixovan� nechali in�pirovať, citujem, by the Czech 70�s movie �Three nuts for Cinderella�. Konečne niekto ocen� okrem K�jovho bo�sk�ho tenoru aj Jur�kovo erd�anie a Tajtrl�kovo brechanie? 
Daniel Bal�

SME Kult�ra
Beatservice je n�rske vydavateľstvo orientovan� na downtempo, ambient a elektronick� hudbu, ktor�ho nahr�vky u� mo�no k�piť aj na na�om trhu. Album Athome Project je debutom 27-ročn�ho Stiana Jacobsena, vystupuj�ceho pod pseudonymom Mr. Athome, ktor� sa doteraz objavoval predov�etk�m na r�znych sampleroch. N�padit� multiin�trumentalista sa hudbe naplno začal venovať, keď pre zdravotn� probl�my musel zanechať manu�lnu pr�cu. K�m v mestečku Troms� sa dar� ambientu, Bergen je domovom projektov odv�nej�ie laden�ho elektronick�ho popu.
Okrem zn�mej skupiny R�yksopp odtiaľ poch�dza aj Mr. Athome. Jeho nahr�vka stoj� predov�etk�m na duniv�ch rytmick�ch beatoch, nad ktor�mi znej� melancholick� zvuky syntetiz�torov. Chladn� zvuky v niekoľk�ch skladb�ch poľud�ťuje hlas spev�čky Caitlin Simpsonovej. (her)

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