BS066 Howard Maple: Mapleism

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Howard Maple:

Format: CD
Label: Beatservice Records
Catalogue number: BS066CD
Release date: 18. aug 2003
Export date: 1. sep 2003

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Demon Spell


Sal Qaeda (featuring Salvador)


Springtime (featuring Anja Øyen Vister)


Riddim Checka part one (featuring Hexxagon)


She's The Best One


Live i Stua (featuring Trond Kittelsen)






Chicken Run


Download dub


Riddim Checka part two (featuring Hexxagon)




You Guessed It Mr Maple

Press info

Howard Maple er Håvard Abusland med røttene sine fra Sørlandet. Som ung var han en begavet multi-instrumentalist, og søkte seg nesten inn på klassisk gitar på musikk-konservatoriet i Kristiansand. Men så fikk han kloa i synthene Roland Juno 106 og Korg Polysix, og da ble det andre boller. MIDI og sampling tok over trælete fingertupper.

Han flyttet til Oslo for å ta siviltjeneste i 97, og fortsatte musikk-produksjonen på soverommet. Det smått legendariske demo-albumet Talk Talk My Foolish Friend, vakte interessen hos Christer Falk og hans plateselskap C+C Records, som i 2000 slapp debuten "Inside". Albumet fikk mye bra kritikk samt Spellemannsnominasjon. Han har også produsert musikk til multimedia og kortfilmer, den siste med Kristoffer Joner og Aggi Frost Petterson i hovedrollene.

Nå er han innlemmet i Beatservice-stallen, og til høsten slippes hans andre plate "Mapleism", en ironisk tittel på et album som prøver å vise Howard Maple sine varierte sider. Det spenner fra downbeat og dubba elektronika til hip-hop, og en liten disco-låt har også lurt seg med. Han har med seg fire vokalister/rappere: Salvador fra Dark Side Of The Force, Steven Buckle (MC Hexxagon), Flunk vokalist Anja Vister og Trond Kittelsen.

Howard Maple is Håvard Abusland from the southern parts of Norway. As young he was a gifted multi-instrumentalist, and he almost started studying classic guitar at the music academy in Kristiansand. But suddenly he got his hands on a Roland Juno 106 and a Korg Polysix, and his musical soul was forever sold to the world of electronics. MIDI and sampling took over for soar fingertips.

He moved to Oslo in 97, and continued his music production on his bedroom studio. His debut album "Inside" was released C+C Records in 2000, and got good reviews and a Norwegian Grammy nomination. Unfortunately, this album is only available in Norway. The last years, he has been busy doing music for multimedia and short-films.

Howard Maple in now a part of the Beatservice family, and this autumn, he is ready with his second album "Mapleism". The title is somewhat ironic, and the album is aiming to show the varied sides of Howard Maple. It goes from downbeat and dubby electronica to hip-hop, and even a little disco-track. He have collaborated with four different singers and rappers: Spanish and English rap from Salvador from Dark Side Of The Force, hardcore ragga from Steven Buckle aka MC Hexxagon, the smooth voice of Flunk singer Anja Vister, and the more rockier voice of Trond Kittelsen.

Anmeldelser [reviews ]

S�rlendingen Howard Maple forsyner seg fra mange musikalske fat p� sin andre langspiller. Mange har gjort dette f�r � men Maple vet hva som smaker godt og han gj�r det med stil. 
Howard Maple heter egentlig H�vard Abusland og kommer fra et sted som heter Evje i n�rheten av Kristiansand. For noen �r siden begeistret han Christer Falch s�pass at han for tre �r siden fikk gitt ut det sm�fine debutalbumet "Inside" p� Falchs plateselskap C&C Records. Men der "Inside" var innadvendt, stemningsbasert og ganske chill-preget, er "Mapleism" en langt mer variert og utadvendt sak. Her finner vi for eksempel drivende disco, tung spansk rap med Salvador fra Dark Side Of The Force, leken dub med t�ff raggatoasting fra Hexxagon, snurrig Bj�rk-type chill out med Anja �yen Vister kjent fra Flunk, sm�skumle og tungt oppkutta cineastiske beat-rytterier � la Xploding Plastix eller Amon Tobin, asiatisk inspirertbliss out og mye annet rart med sukker og kanel p�. Man kan selvf�lgelig innvende at vi for lengst har sett klare tegn til inflasjon hva ang�r eklektiske elektroniske foretagender som Howard Maple her gir oss. Jeg tror ikke vi skal hefte oss for mye ved det. Dette er en god skive, og selv om Maple verken har funnet opp kruttet eller var der da det ble v�tt, har han laget en stilig, mangesidig og hum�rspredende skive som kan og vil gj�re mang en god dag enda bedre.
(5/6) Martin Thronsen

Nesten tre �r er g�tt siden H�vard Abusland debuterte med "Inside". Da var det mer sprikende enn n�, og rap-elementene var ikke tilstede. Salvador og Hexxagon tar seg av den siden av albumet, mens Trond Kittelsen og Anja �. Vister l�ner bort vokal p� en l�t hver. Det gj�r at variasjonen blir enda  videre, i tillegg til det instrumentale. Her varieres det fra ambientjazz og lydeffekter til forholdsvis behagelig dub og mer heftige rytmer. Howard Maple plukker inn det som passer ham, her og der. Det skaper et spennende og positivt variert album.
(5/6) KD

S�rlendignen H�vard Abusland kaller seg Howard Maple n�r han lager musikk, og for et par �r siden ga han ut et album p� C+C Records som forsvant litt i m�lja, spellemannsnominasjon til tross. Overgangen til Beatservice kan muligens rette p� det; han f�yer seg i hvert fall inn i Troms�-selskapets satsing p� downbeat og chillout utgivelser den siste tiden. Sammenlignet med alskens anemisk skit som �ses ut i denne sjangeren l�ter dette slett ikke g��rnt, selv om formelen er velkjent: Pludrende breakbeats, light-jazz, vokalinnslag, dub, litt drum'n'bass og sommerlig svaberg-vibb som aldri slipper taket. Anja �yen Vister synger eterisk og fint p� "Springtime", Salvador Weishautts rapping p� "Sal Qaeda" h�res ikke umiddelbart velplassert, mens "Riddim Checka" i to tapninger er standard-dub gjort med dugelig aplomb. Ellers er dette stort sett prikkfritt, om en stedvis litt vel friksjonsl�st - tja, trip hop? Stemningene er fine, og filtt�fler-og-gyngestol-f�lelsen er heldigvis ikke like overhengene som p� din gjennomsnittlige chill-plate. Men det er for lettford�yd til � v�re essensielt for andre enn veldig ihuga tilhenger av sjangeren.
(6/10) �rjan Sletner


Howard Maple is Norwegian born Havard Abusland. His highly acclaimed debut album Inside was nominated for a Norwegian Grammy award in 2000. With his first album being a limited release within his home country, his second album Mapleism is in effect his musical debut to the worldwide stage.
This album is a stunning testament to Howard Maple's command of the music language. His lifelong dedication (from a very young age) to learning music with instruments of all shapes and size really does shine thru this project. One would dare not call it a masterpiece.
He doesn't break any new ground musically, nor is he an experimentalist as such. However, what he does is unashamedly cross pollinate genres and parade the entire family of music instruments from one song to the other. What we also have here is the kind of musician that is in essence a composer. You want to hear his music! You wait with quivering anticipation for the next song to play, and indeed for his next album to surface.
He tackles the hip-hop lanes with Sal Qaeda featuring Salvador (from Dark Side of the Force) providing a surreal dose of Spanish rap. While MC Hexxagon (Steven Buckle) downs his book of hardcore reggae to the ambient scapes, trumpet solos and chill n bass vibes of Riddim Checka Part One and Riddim Checka Part Two.
Anja �yen Vister features on Springtime. Bewitched by her Bjork like vocal whispers that she makes every star above her twinkle with joy. She's The Best One lights up the dance floor of any 70's pool party with it's super cool, super funky, super disco bounce.
Live I Stua is a seductive funk rock odyssey which ignites to the vocals of Trond Kittelsen and a dazzling organ mode of a 1981 Korg Polysix. This is a definite high rotation highlight for me on the album. The pick of the punch that I would love to see performed live on stage.
Chicken Run is another masterpiece, full of surrealist humour. I think it's a window into an oddly poetic sense of humour that Howard Maples wants to share thru a song. Samples of manic chicken voices scattered throughout the piece, mingling amongst an assembly of oriental violins and reggae funk. It's a true masterpiece and another highlight on the album.
He is a multi instrumentalist who is superbly talented and not afraid to showcase his talent. Download Dub and Balance really speak of classical beauty with an extension of the violin charm.
The final track You Guessed It Mr Maple is packed with movie and radio voice samples. Deep, dark and dubby, I cannot help but make comparisons to a DJ Shadow style of music making. It's a style that is diverse as a whole, yet charismatic, inviting and addictively satisfying.
It's no wonder Howard Maple's earlier work was nominated for a music accolade in his home country. Mapleism is a masterpiece and showcase of honesty in music and uncompromisingly raw music genius. Now that he has a worldwide debut album it won't take long for his envied talent and beauty in music to be embraced by millions.
One of my favourite albums for 2003. Very highly recommended!

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